Find Out Some Energy Saving Solutions for Businesses

What is Energy Saving?

Energy saving means using energy in an economical, rational and efficient way. Energy here includes electricity, gas, petroleum and other energy sources.

Saving energy will help reduce the cost of living for each family, protecting the environment. In the long run, this activity contributes to the protection of natural resources and national economic development.

energy saving


Benefits for Businesses When Implementing Energy Saving

Implementing energy saving measures in your business is a strategic decision that offers many benefits, includes:

  • Cost savings: Businesses can minimize energy costs by saving energy. This can increase business profits and provide a competitive advantage.
  • Sustainability and prestige: Energy saving helps businesses build an environmentally friendly image. Doing business sustainably can build a positive reputation with customers and investors.
  • Energy security: By reducing energy use, businesses can enhance supply stability and become more resilient to energy supply disruptions.
  • Legal compliance: Many countries have regulations on energy efficiency, and businesses must comply with these regulations. Energy saving measures ensure compliance with these legal requirements.


Efficient Energy Saving Solutions

Energy saving is a practical solution to enhance economic efficiency, protect national energy resources, protect the environment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Here is some efficient energy saving solutions that businesses can apply:

1. Raising Awareness and Changing Employees’ Habits

Industrial parks and factories consume a lot of electricity, largely due to the habits and awareness of using electricity of employees. Therefore, popularizing the benefits of saving electricity and other types of energy, launching emulation movements, organizing reward activities for conscious collectives and individuals will make a significant contribution to the company’s overall efforts.

Currently, many Vietnamese businesses have applied productivity improvement tools such as TPM, 5S, Kaizen, etc. These tools help create an effective working environment. Besides, they also contribute to human development, help each employee improve their sense of self-discipline and responsibility for work.

2. Application of Modern Technology and Production Automation

An important point that businesses need to keep in mind is the replacement of old devices with modern ones. Old devices often consume a lot of electricity, causing increased electricity costs and the risk of electricity leakage, even causing fire and explosion. Therefore, businesses should consider replacing them with modern, safe and energy-efficient equipment.

energy saving by using modern equipment

At the same time, installing high-performance electrical and mechanical equipment such as motors, lighting systems, pumps, heating and ventilation equipment is also a way to save and optimize the production of enterprises.

The application of inverter technology to control the speed of the motors in the factory according to practical requirements is a method that is effective in many different applications, including air compressors, boiler fans, crushers, pumps, etc.

3. The Use of Renewable Energy Sources

In addition, using renewable energy such as rooftop solar power also plays an important role in reducing electricity consumption.

Encouraging the economical and efficient use of electricity affects the energy saving at each facility. Moreover, it can support the reduction of the load on the overall power system, contributing to ensure energy security for the country.

Solutions that businesses often adopt to save energy may include switching to other energy sources, combined with renewable energy such as rooftop solar power; as well as installing efficient high-energy heat recovery systems for cooling.

energy saving by using rooftop solar panels

4. Application of Energy Management Standards and Systems

An important point to emphasize is the implementation of ISO 50001:2011 – Energy Management. Building an energy management system according to this standard will assist businesses and organizations to improve energy use. And we can promote energy use in an economical and efficient way.

Vinamilk is a good example of energy efficiency through the application of ISO 50001 standard. This strategy has helped Vinamilk become one of the pioneering enterprises implementing the circular economy for many years. Vinamilk’s factories have achieved important certifications such as FSSC 22000, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, OHSAS 18001.

Energy control according to ISO 50001 and environmental control according to ISO 14001 have become an integral part of their production activities. At Vinamilk’s modern factories, green and renewable energy is prioritized.

In particular, Vinamilk converted some biomass fuel from rice husks, coconut fiber, sawdust, and wood chips into energy for the boiler. Thus, it helps to minimize the impact on the environment. Up to now, energy from Biomass accounts for 35% of total energy demand and has increased gradually over the years. Vinamilk currently has 9 factories using energy from Biomass.

Vinamilk factories

In general, the ISO 50001 standard is an effective tool for businesses in finding solutions to use energy economically and efficiently, contributing to helping businesses pursue sustainable development strategies, demonstrating environmental and social responsibility in ensuring energy security on a global scale.

Indeed, ISO 50001 is an important and useful tool for businesses in finding solutions to use and save energy efficiently. This technology not only helps businesses optimize energy use but also contributes to the implementation of sustainable development strategies.

By implementing these standards, businesses can demonstrate their environmental and social responsibilities. Moreover, they can play an important role in ensuring energy security on a global scale.

5. Monitoring and Renovating the System to Execute Energy Saving

Businesses need to use measuring, analysis, tracking and warning technology to detect and fix problems that cause waste or energy leakage. This tool not only makes it easy for businesses to manage electricity usage but also minimizes unnecessary energy consumption. In addition, they can detect abnormal electricity consumption.

Besides, businesses also need to control and manage all areas of the system that consume the highest energy. Then, make reasonable production plans to minimize the use of devices that consume large amounts of electricity during peak hours.

Optimize the energy efficiency of your appliances, ensure they operate at the capacity needed to avoid wasting electricity, and do not leave unnecessary appliances running at idle. At the same time, it is also necessary to take advantage of excess heat sources to reuse energy efficiently.

In the industry, continuous improvement activities (Kaizen) help promote the productivity of workers. It also helps businesses save time, space and increase productivity and shorten production time. Furthermore, it helps to simplify the working process, reduce scrap and defects, and minimize costs.

In the industrial sector, the implementation of continuous improvement activities (Kaizen) plays an important role in improving the work performance of employees. Kaizen helps businesses optimize the use of time and space. Additionally, it also helps increase labor productivity by shortening production times and simplifying workflows.

In addition, the energy saving plan also includes organizing cleaning and maintenance activities for equipment to maintain their durability. This saves costs but also minimizes breakdowns and breakdowns, thereby increasing productivity and extending the life of the equipment.


MC Solutions – Accompanying Businesses in the Green Transformation Journey

Green transition is becoming an inevitable trend as the world faces environmental and climate change issues. This trend has formed new standards for environmental and sustainable development regulated by import markets.

To move towards green transformation and green economy, one of the things businesses need to do is energy saving, reduce carbon emissions from production activities, internal operations and in the supply chain. To achieve that goal, businesses need to understand and capture each emission data in detail.

MC Solutions brings green future-proof solutions to life. We provide high-quality solutions that develop and visualize a green system towards zero emissions. We are honored to cooperate and work with reputable companies in Japan, Vietnam and Singapore on the sustainable business journey.


See more: The Difficulties of Decarbonization Companies in the World
