Why Businesses Need Sustainability?

Sustainability: A Key Driver for Business Success

In today’s world, prioritizing sustainability is no longer a luxury – it’s a necessity. Just like digital transformation, achieving sustainability demands a company-wide overhaul. Integrating sustainability into core business strategies is crucial for remaining relevant and competitive. This concept, often referred to as “ESG,” encompasses three key areas: Environment, Social, and Governance. Companies that effectively address these areas demonstrate a holistic commitment to a sustainable future.

Why Businesses Need Sustainability?

Sustainable Success in the Corporation 

The World Economic Forum reports that sustainability is deemed significant by 90% of executives

Yet, the challenge is actual execution, as merely 60% of companies have established sustainability strategies. It’s essential to have both a sustainability strategy and a chief sustainability officer who answers directly to the board.

According to McKinsey & Co., the article suggests that strategy enables organizations to pursue long-term investments. 

Nonetheless, implementing sustainability within a company faces hurdles like limited board engagement, little accountability, and sustainability teams without authority to implement initiatives. 

Why Does Sustainability Matter?

Investor Pressure

Investors are increasingly prioritizing companies with strong ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) practices. This means businesses that demonstrate a commitment to environmental responsibility, social well-being, and ethical governance are attracting more investment capital. Gartner Research finds that 85% of investors considered ESG factors in their investments in 2020 while 91% of banks monitor ESG performance of investments.  

Consumer Demand

Consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious and are actively seeking out sustainable products and services. Research by Deloitte indicates that approximately 60% of UK consumers have reduced their consumption of single-use plastics, opting for a greener lifestyle. One-third of consumers in the UK are actively choosing brands that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability.

The market for eco-friendly products is on the rise, particularly among younger demographics such as Millennials and Generation Z. 73% of Gen-Z shoppers are willing to spend more on sustainable products. 

The UK is committed to achieving a net-zero carbon footprint by the year 2050, with ambitious interim objectives to decrease emissions by 78% come 2035. 

If a government failed to meet these standards, it’s unclear how their legally mandated character would be enforced. However, these kinds of objectives can help governments become more strategic and focus on the goal.

Regulatory Landscape

Governments around the world are enacting stricter environmental regulations

In the final month of 2000, the European Union’s member nations collectively pledged to a definitive goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by a minimum of 55% by the year 2030, using 1990 as the baseline. The EU has articulated a comprehensive strategy aimed at achieving climate neutrality by the mid-21st century.

Both Sweden and Germany have established enforceable targets to reach net zero emissions by 2045. Meanwhile, France, Denmark, Spain, Hungary, and Luxembourg have their sights set on the year 2050 for the same goal. 

Countries such as Japan, Korea, Canada, and New Zealand have enacted legislation to fulfill net zero emissions by 2050.

Similarly, the United Kingdom has committed to a legally enforceable target of net zero emissions by 2050, with additional provisional goals to cut emissions by 78% by 2035.

The mechanisms for enforcing these mandatory targets remain ambiguous, especially in instances where a government does not achieve them. Nevertheless, these targets are designed to encourage governments to adopt a more strategic approach, with an emphasis on long-term environmental ambitions.

Resource Efficiency

Sustainable practices often lead to increased resource efficiency, leading employees to be more motivated to perform better and translate to cost savings for businesses. According to McKinsey & Company, sustainability reduces costs and can affect operating profits by up to 60%. A company’s bottom line can be improved by reducing energy consumption, waste generation, and water usage

Implementing Sustainability Strategy:

Integrating sustainability into corporate strategy requires a multi-pronged approach:

  • Leadership Commitment: Sustainability efforts need dedicated leadership buy-in from the top down. CEOs and senior executives must champion sustainability and clearly communicate its importance throughout the organization.
  • ESG Integration: Environmental, Social, and Governance factors should be seamlessly woven into the company’s decision-making processes. This involves evaluating potential environmental impact, social responsibility considerations, and ethical implications alongside traditional financial metrics.

  • Supply Chain Management: Building a sustainable supply chain means collaborating with suppliers who share similar values and practices. Transparency is key, ensuring responsible sourcing of materials and ethical labor practices throughout the entire chain.
  • Innovation and Technology: Investing in research and development of sustainable solutions can be a game-changer. Developing and utilizing innovative technologies can improve resource efficiency, reduce waste, and minimize environmental impact.

  • Transparency and Communication: Openly communicating sustainability efforts and progress with stakeholders is crucial. Consumers, investors, and employees all want to understand a company’s commitment to sustainability and its long-term goals.

The Road to a Sustainable Future

By integrating sustainability into their core strategies, companies can foster a future that benefits their businesses and society as a whole. They can attract more investment, gain loyal customers, reduce operating costs, and enhance their brand image. Most importantly, they can contribute to a healthier planet and a more equitable world


Sustainability is not merely a trend; it’s the future of business. By embracing sustainability as a core principle, businesses can secure their long-term success and contribute to a thriving future for all.
