Climate Tech
Sustainability Strategy
Strategies of Developing Green Financing in the World
Strategies of Developing Green Financing in the World
Green financing is now an area that is increasingly attracting the attention of organizations. Our planet is facing climate change and serious environmental pollution. Therefore, the green financing investment development market in many countries needs the cooperation of the Government, businesses, banks and people. In this article, let’s discuss the concept of green financing and […]
The Economic Effects of AI on Singapore’s Workforce
The Economic Effects of AI on Singapore’s Workforce
Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies rapidly transform Singapore’s economy, unlocking new opportunities and driving innovation. As the city-state grapples with limited manpower, AI solutions enhance its manufacturing output, optimize customs facilitation, and create new job opportunities. However, while many Singaporeans stand poised to benefit from AI advancements, low-wage migrant workers are at risk of job displacement. […]
Greenhouse Gas Emissions: How to Measure and Calculate
Greenhouse Gas Emissions: How to Measure and Calculate
Greenhouse gas emissions are the gases in the atmosphere that raise the surface temperature of planets such as the Earth. Without GHGs, earth couldn’t maintain a liveable temperature. However, rapid industrialization has released large volumes of man-made GHGs, causing abnormal warming. When GHGs accumulate and temperatures rise, the climate system and weather patterns shift significantly. […]
Decarbonization in Shipping: A Roadmap to Sustainable Fuels
Decarbonization in Shipping: A Roadmap to Sustainable Fuels
New global regulations aim for decarbonization in shipping. It is because the shipping industry must support global economic growth while reducing its 2% share of global emissions. Therefore, it faces intense pressure to decarbonize and keep up with rapid technological advancements. The International Maritime Organization requires the industry to reach net zero by mid-century. Existing […]
Singapore’s Green Finance Job Revolution
Singapore’s Green Finance Job Revolution
In an era marked by pressing climate challenges and a global shift towards sustainability, Singapore is taking significant strides to position itself as a leader in sustainable finance. FinTech Singapore and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) recently introduced the Sustainable Finance Jobs Transformation Map (JTM), illustrating the nation’s commitment to embracing sustainability within its […]
Cities on the Path to Net Zero: Lowering Building Emissions
Cities on the Path to Net Zero: Lowering Building Emissions
Cities play a crucial role in the urgent battle against the climate crisis, driving significant environmental impact and holding the potential to lead the transition to net zero. To effectively address CO2 emissions, it’s essential to evaluate the embodied carbon of built assets throughout their entire life cycle.  In this article, we would discuss how […]
Singapore’s Sustainable Revolution: The Impact of Software on Manufacturing
Singapore’s Sustainable Revolution: The Impact of Software on Manufacturing
In a time marked by environmental issues and sustainable practices, the manufacturing industry significantly influences our planet’s future. In a compact city-state like Singapore, where space and resources are limited, the need for sustainability becomes increasingly urgent. Furthermore, implementing a carbon tax represents a crucial step toward sustainability. This tax will impact around 80% of […]
Find Out Some Energy Saving Solutions for Businesses
Find Out Some Energy Saving Solutions for Businesses
What is Energy Saving? Energy saving means using energy in an economical, rational and efficient way. Energy here includes electricity, gas, petroleum and other energy sources. Saving energy will help reduce the cost of living for each family, protecting the environment. In the long run, this activity contributes to the protection of natural resources and […]
Green Energy and Renewable Energy: The Key Difference
Green Energy and Renewable Energy: The Key Difference
The use of green energy and renewable energy has been meeting the wishes of society towards sustainable national development.  At the same time, under the impact of the goal at the 26th Conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26), countries must implement the use of this energy in a meaningful and […]
Green Software: How Can Achieve Sustainable Future
Green Software: How Can Achieve Sustainable Future
The goal of Net Zero The ICT sector contributes approximately 2.1-3.9% of total global greenhouse emissions. While software currently has a lower carbon footprint compared to other sources, its emissions are expected to rise significantly due to the growth of digital transformation and AI applications. To address this, organizations need to expand their sustainability efforts […]


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